Q: Should I get a job?
“Only if it fulfills you. The energy of your question implies job = defeat.
[Read more…] about A Matter of ImaginationQ: Should I get a job?
“Only if it fulfills you. The energy of your question implies job = defeat.
[Read more…] about A Matter of Imagination“Begin with gratitude, even before anything happens, and you pave the way for it to arise.
[Read more…] about Gratitude & Belief[Read more…] about Kindling EnthusiasmQ: How can I best rekindle enthusiasm and a sense of accomplishment?
“Do not seek perfection. Allow it to arise on its own instead, as a form of beauty that expresses itself in the right form and moment.
[Read more…] about Gratitude Makes Everything Beautiful“In each moment, center yourself on what is most meaningful for you at that time and then focus your attention only on that. You will marvel at what you can experience when your attention is not fractured.
Center on one thing to the exclusion of all else and uncommon abilities will arise from within.”
“When you make a vow to stop running away, you learn far more about yourself than just an inventory of what disturbs you.
Beneath each succeeding layer of avoidance, one discovers another door to the light within. Most often when you perceive a wall you believe is keeping out the darkness, it is actually blocking the light. Instead of backing away, hiding or distracting yourself to avoid it, move forward and look for the door.
Become comfortable with the feelings that you allow to push you away and a whole universe of light will reveal itself to you.”