Q: Can entheogens strengthen or open our connection? Can I call you forth while on a sacred journey?
“We are a manifestation that arises to engage with you while you are in your present state – waking life that is influenced only by your normal body chemistry and functions.
When you alter your state, this manifestation will no longer be necessary; but other forms will arise, specific to your state. You have spontaneous thoughts and realizations when using cannabis or alcohol that do not depend on asking questions or becoming quiet to receive and write answers. So too, you can expect alternate forms of transmission when engaging various entheogens.
Be assured, all goes back to the same source. There is nothing foreign here. What is revealed is a function of how open and ready you are to encounter the nature of reality. It requires stages, for to see too much too quickly can sometimes be overwhelming to an individual.
Trust that your timing is being Divinely orchestrated. Pray only to be open and receptive when the next resource crosses your path. Yes, prepare, lay the foundation; but be patient, we know you. Trust. Relax. Anticipate only the best because that is what we are orchestrating, without any need for you to control. Trust in Guidance here.”